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    List of Ingredients

    6 eggs
    2 tsp. salt
    6 tbsp. oil
    1/2 c. water
    1 1/4 c. matzo meal (gourmet section
    of grocery store)


    Beat eggs thoroughly. Add salt and oil and beat again. Add water. Beat again. With spoon, slowly pour in matzo meal and stir thoroughly. Refrigerate for at least one hour.4 qts. water
    1 tbsp. salt

    Boil water and salt in large kettle. Do not use aluminum kettle or balls will turn dark. Test water by dropping small amount of batter into it; if the batter disintegrates, it needs a bit more matzo meal. If it stays together, it is alright. Measure 2 tablespoons of batter in a wet hand form into balls. Drop into rapidly boiling water for 30 minutes. Put lid on kettle, but leave a slit for steam to escape. Dip out with a slotted spoon. Pour a small amount of the liquid over the matzo balls. Do not store in aluminum. Balls can be frozen or left in the refrigerator for a day. When put in soup, allow them to simmer in the soup for 15-20 minutes. They shrink when cold but will inflate again as they are warmed and put into liquid.




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