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    Joe's Special

    Source of Recipe

    D'Agostino, NYC

    Recipe Introduction

    Joe's Special was improvised late one evening at the New Joe's Restaurant in San Francisco. Some hungry customers came in and wanted something to eat immediately. All that remained in the refrigerator at the end of a busy day were eggs, spinach, and hamburger. The resourceful cook combined these ingredients and created this San Francisco classic.
    It is a terrific breakfast dish that can be made in very little time.

    List of Ingredients

    1 lb lean ground beef

    1 tsp olive oil and 1 tsp butter

    3 chopped green onions, or 1/2 medium onion, chopped

    1 cup cooked spinach, fresh or frozen, well drained


    Pepper to taste

    4 eggs, slightly beaten

    1 pinch of basil or oregano (optional)

    1/4 lb of fresh sliced mushrooms, added to meat while cooking (optional)


    In a frying pan, heat the butter and oil. Add the hamburger and onions, and cook over a medium flame until the meat is browned. Add the spinach and seasonings. Cook together for a minute. Stir in the eggs and cook, stirring, just until the eggs are set. Do not overcook. This will make 4 servings,or 2 if you are very hungry. Hash browns are usually served with Joe's Special. Garnish each plate with some wedges of fresh tomato if you want to add some color.

    This will make 4 servings




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