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Email to Gillian Scarlett      

Recipe Categories:

    Snow Flecked Brownies

    Source of Recipe

    Nigella Lawson

    List of Ingredients

    375g best quality dark chocolate
    375g unsalted butter at room temperature at least
    1 tablespoon real vanilla extract
    6 eggs
    350g sugar
    1 teaspoon salt
    225g plain flour
    250g white chocolate buttons, preferably Montgomery Moore, or just chop same amount of good white chocolate
    tin measuring approx 33cm x 23cm x 5.5cm


    Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4/350F.

    Line your brownie pan base and sides.

    Melt the butter and dark chocolate together in a large heavy based pan.

    In a bowl or wide mouthed large measuring jug, beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla.

    Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt.

    When the chocolate mixture has melted let it cool a bit before beating in the eggs and sugar, and then the flour.

    Finally fold in the white chocolate buttons. Beat to combine smoothly and then scrape out of the saucepan into the lined pan. Bake for about 25 mins.

    The brownies are ready, when the top is dried to a paler brown speckle, but the middle is dark and dense and gooey still; remember that they will continue to cook as they cool.




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