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Recipes from the past

attempting to have as little prepackaged as possible

I was digging through my old cookbooks and looking through the net for a recipe when it suddenly dawned on me I was absolutely tired of the Net. I'm tired. And I wanted to make meatloaf. So I dug out my old Amy Vanderbilt cookbook and I made her Beef and Tomato Loaf with some modifications. It was fantastic. I'm tired. I'm tired of celebrity chefs who make faces then they try their own food. I'm tired of artistic food. I want food. Not a work of art. I'm tired of spending money for food that dropped its quality so low, I wouldn't feed it to the dog and he would call the SPCA himself if I tried. I'm tired of it. And the easiest way to fix it is good old solid recipes with good solid food. And not a Picasso deconstructed burger in sight. Pass me the Pizza Burger. ONE THING TO REMEMBER: These are old recipes for the most part. You will not get the portion sizes you have now. You will get what our ancestors ate. The biscuits will NOT be McDonald's size. For that, you need to either make another recipe OR make them larger than 1/2 inch roll out which means less biscuits so you need to make more dough. However our ancestors were not generally fat and had a lot less heart disease. YOU WILL GET A "NORMAL" SIZE SERVING from the recipes.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
BREAD (2 )Sun 31/Jul/2011 19:58:07
CAKESandPIES (1 )Wed 29/Jun/2011 10:39:35
CANDY (1 )Sun 26/Jun/2011 11:26:38
COOKIES (1 )Sun 26/Jun/2011 17:13:34
FRUIT (1 )Mon 1/Aug/2011 01:23:12
JAMSandJELLIES (1 )Sun 31/Jul/2011 20:40:01
MEATS (3 )Sun 26/Jun/2011 14:04:22
SALADandDRESSING (2 )Sun 26/Jun/2011 12:20:23
SAUCES (4 )Tue 28/Jun/2011 20:28:47
SOUPSandSTEWS (1 )Sun 26/Jun/2011 11:34:48
Spreads (1 )Sun 31/Jul/2011 20:57:21
Staples (1 )Sun 31/Jul/2011 22:59:26
VEGETABLES (1 )Sun 26/Jun/2011 12:28:38
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Total Number of Recipes20

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