Calla Lily Sandwiches
List of Ingredients
1 (2oz.) pkg slivered almonds
2-3 drops yellow food coloring
54 slices white sandwich bread
1 (8oz.) cream cheese, softened
2 Tbs. orange marmaladeRecipe
1. combine almonds and food coloring in a covered jar; shake vigorously until almonds are evenly coated.
2. roll each slice of bread to 1/8th in. thickness. cut with 2� in. biscuit cutter.
3. combine cream cheese and marmalade; spread about 1 tsp. on each bread round.
4.pinch edges of one portion of circle together to form a Calla Lily; press a tinted slivered almond into the pinched portion to represent the flower stamen.
yield 4� doz.