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    Stuffing Waffles

    Source of Recipe

    My own, with help from the internet

    Recipe Introduction

    I saw someone on Food Network serving these at a restaurant � just a wet stuffing mixture cooked on a waffle maker. Topped with roast chicken and gravy, this is true comfort food. I happened to have leftover turkey gravy and cranberry sauce in the freezer and it was like the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. You should start this the day before you want to serve it. These can be made ahead very successfully. I baked them early in the day and reheated and served at dinner time.

    List of Ingredients

    3 corn muffins, crumbled
    2-3 slices white bread (I used rather thick heels), processed into crumbs
    1/2 of a large onion, minced fine
    Same amount of minced celery and celery leaves
    Salt and pepper
    Poultry seasoning
    1 egg, beaten
    Approximately 6 oz. Chicken/turkey stock


    Mix the corn muffin and bread crumbs in a large bowl. Saut� the onion and celery in butter until soft. Add to crumbs along with salt, pepper, parsley and poultry seasoning. Smell and taste to adjust seasoning. Let sit out overnight to dry a bit and for the flavors to blend. Adjust the seasoning again the next day.

    When you want to make the waffles mix the egg into the bread mixture. Add the stock a little at a time and mix well. You want the stuffing mix to be wetter than if you we baking in a pan � about the consistency of thick pancake batter. Bake according to manufacturer�s directions using enough �batter� to cover the cooking plate completely.

    Makes six 4x4.5-inch waffles.




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