Dough Art
Source of Recipe
by Millie, from Easy Doughs It 23 Dough Art Projects
List of Ingredients
4 cups flour (bleached or unbleached but no self-rising)
1 cup plain or iodized salt
1� cups hot water (as it comes from the tap)
1. Pour the hot water and salt into a bowl and stir for 1 minute. The grains of salt will reduce in size but not dissolve.
2. Add the flour and stir until the water is absorbed. (It is a good idea to remove your rings before the next step.)
3. Turn the dough onto a table or bread board and knead a few minutes. The dough is ready when it is smooth and pliable.
4. Keep the dough in a plastic bag so it will not dry out as you use it.
*If the dough is too sticky: knead in more flour, however the dough will remain soft.
* If the dough is too dry: moisten your fingers with water and continue to knead. If necessary, place the dough in a plastic bag and sprinkle on a few drops of water. Set the dough aside for 1/2 hour.
* For a bright colour use liquid tempera paint. )If you use powdered tempera paint, first add water until it is thick as pudding.) Put � cup liquid tempera into a measuring cup. Add hot water until the total liquid is 1-2/3 cups. Notice this is more liquid than the basic recipe requires. Mix as usual.
* For each project you will be told to place the dough onto a sheet of aluminum foil. {I use waxed paper or an old �plastic� placemat works good too ~ BUT! DO NOT BAKE ON THESE ITEMS! Transfer to a foil~lined cookie pan}
When ready to bake, simply lift the foil and transfer it onto the cookie sheet. The foil prevents the dough from sticking to the cookie sheet.
BAKING {I bake @ 300�}
* Bake as soon as your project is made. If that is not possible, cover the dough with plastic wrap until you can bake.
* When the dough is hard all over it is finished baking. Test by pressing at the thickest part. If there is any give, continue baking. If baked too long, the dough will burn.
* Dough art cannot be successfully air dried. It cracks and crumbles too easily.
* Use acrylic, watercolor, poster, tempera or model paints.
* Use a felt-tip pen for detail work, then use a spray fix before sealing.
* Use a craft glue to attach dough art to magnets, switchplates, etc.
* A gloss acrylic spray will seal the dough, use several coats. For a more thorough seal use a polymer coating (like Envirotex or Crystalsheen). Also Joli Glaze, Crystal Clear Glaze by Illinois Bronze, and Glass Kote by Carolyn's Crafts work very well - be sure to use two coats with each f these products.