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    Val at the RT

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    Helpful Hints F-G


    "Fish" through "Green Peppers"

    Mix two tablespoons dry mustard and a 1/2 cup of water and wash areas
    that smell like fish. This also works well when washing fishy dishes.

    When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking pan, use a bit of the
    dry cake mix instead and there won't be any white mess on the outside of
    the cake.

    An easy way to prevent freezer burn on any type of meat is just to coat
    all sides with a little oil or cooking spray before you wrap it. Works
    every time!

    When it comes to storing thins in your refrigerator, think square!
    You'll gain more room in less space with square and rectangular storage
    containers. Round containers waste more room, in the fridge, freezer and

    If you purchase meats that you will be freezing when grocery shopping,
    after you get home, carefully split the plastic wrap on the back when
    opening and discard the foam trays and lining. Then rewrap the meat in
    the original plastic before putting it into a freezer bag. This serves 3
    purposes: You'll save money on plastic wrap; you'll help prevent freezer
    burn by the double wrapping. And the most important is that in the event
    of a recall, you will have the original information from the package!

    Even if you're NOT going to freeze the meat, it's always a good idea to
    take the meat out of the packaging material as soon as possible. It is
    particularly important to remove the bottom foam-padding-sponge-thing
    that absorbs juices from the meat. Meat removed from packaging and
    wrapped individually will stay fresh longer than meat left in the
    original packaging, and will TASTE fresher, too.

    Keep a small spray bottle filled with one part lemon juice to one part
    water in our refrigerator. When cutting fresh fruit, spritz it with the
    mixture to prevent discoloring.

    If you add a pinch of baking powder to powdered sugar when making
    frosting, it will stay creamy and not harden or crack. around.

    To quickly use frozen juice concentrate, simply mash it with a potato
    masher--no need to wait for it to thaw!

    When heating frozen mixed vegetables or other frozen vegetables that you
    might tend to want to add butter to, add a chicken bouillon or chicken
    soup base to the water for a rich, satisfying flavor, with few calories.
    Do not salt!

    What should you do with fruit with mold? Throw it away rather than
    simply cutting off the mold since mold on fruit goes much deeper than
    what appears on the fruit.

    Give color and taste to your ice cubes by placing a small piece of fruit
    into each section of the ice cube trays before freezing.

    If you need to add more oil while you are frying french fries or
    chicken, don't add the oil in the middle of the pan, this will cool off
    the already heated oil and possibly splash you with hot oil (How many
    times has THAT happened to me?) Instead, add the extra oil by drizzling
    it down the sides of the pan or pot. It will heat up a little before it
    hits the pan and there will be less chance of getting burned.

    Zap garlic cloves in the microwave for 15 seconds and the skins slip
    right off!

    You can get rid of that odor on your hands by rubbing them with a
    stainless steel spoon or other utensil under running water, or on the
    sink itself if it is stainless steel. Try it - it really works.

    When green onions start wilting, you can revive them by replanting them!
    Simply stick the root end in the ground, and it will take root and be
    healthy again. This works only with green onions. I'm glad it doesn't
    work with people since some are hard enough to put up with in one
    lifetime, much less a second go round.

    Instead of cutting around the stem, turn the pepper stem side down, cut
    most of the way through, break it the rest of the way, and easily break
    the stem away from whichever half it stayed with. Clean seeds and pulp
    from inside. Wash clean, unless you just like seeds everywhere.





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