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Recipe Categories:

    Sausage Gravy

    Source of Recipe

    Donna Rollison

    Recipe Introduction

    From Donna Rollison

    List of Ingredients

    1 lb gf/cf sausage
    4 tbls pan dripping (reserved from cooking sausage)
    3 tbls cornstarch
    2 cups milk sub (such as hemp milk or DariFree)


    Crumble sausage into skillet and brown.

    Pour off excess grease leaving about 4 tablespoons drippings in the skillet.

    Add cornstarch to skillet; stir to loosen the crust bits in skillet.

    Slowly add the milk sub and continue to stir until creamy and smooth. (Add more cold milk sub if gravy thickens too fast.)

    Return cooked sausage to the gravy.

    Stir well to blend.




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