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    Pot Roast in Rice Cooker

    Source of Recipe

    Lisa Rowley (Lisa near LAX)

    Recipe Introduction

    From RecipeZaar -

    List of Ingredients

    4 lbs beef chuck
    4 cups gf beef broth (or good quality canned gf broth)
    4 small potatoes, scrubbed and halved
    2 teaspoons minute tapioca
    1 large onion, peeled and cut in eighths
    2 cups baby carrots
    1 celery rib, sliced
    1 bay leaf
    4 garlic cloves, sliced
    2 tablespoons ketchup
    12 ounces gf beer (or other desired liquid)
    salt and pepper (to taste)


    Layer all ingredients in rice cooker in order listed.

    Leave on KEEP WARM setting for 24 hours.

    NOTE: Do not use COOK setting as that�s too harsh of a boil for pot roast.

    The KEEP WARM setting is 180-185 degrees and will cook the pot roast perfectly and the vegetables will stay whole and beautiful. Check for seasoning before serving.




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