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Email to Brenda-Lee Olson      

Recipe Categories:

    California Style Salsa

    Source of Recipe

    GFCFrecipe link archives by Ruby

    Recipe Introduction

    Note from Ruby: this is a recipe that my girlfriend's husband gave me over 15 years ago. It is a great recipe that he has used it most of his life. He gave me permission to reprint it for my Friends.

    List of Ingredients

    4 lbs cut-up tomatoes (biggest can or 2 medium cans)
    1 lb. crushed tomatoes ( medium size can or 2 -15 oz cans)
    1 large (or 2 small) can of green chilies (or hotter use jalape�os)
    1 bunch Green onions (chopped)
    1 BIG red onion (chopped)
    2 bunches cilantro (chopped)


    Mix together. Let sit for 24 hours to let flavor "melt" together.

    Fits into the giant green Tupperware container.




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