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Email to Brenda-Lee Olson      

Recipe Categories:

    Tattie Nuts

    Source of Recipe

    Brenda-Lee Olson

    Recipe Introduction

    original recipe by Mille
    modified to be GFCF by BL Olson

    List of Ingredients

    14 fluid ounces milk sub (like almond breeze, Vance's Dari-Free
    or coconut milk), room temperature
    1/2 cup shortening
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/2 cup leftover mashed potatoes
    1/4 ounce dry yeast
    4 fluid ounces water (room temp)
    2 eggs, beaten (room temp)
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    6 1/2-7 cups gf flour blend, sifted
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    2 teaspoons salt


    Scald milk; stir in shortening, sugar and potatoes; cool to
    lukewarm and then mix well.

    Sprinkle yeast over warm water and stir until yeast is dissolved.

    Add to lukewarm mixture.

    Stir in beaten eggs.

    Sift flour with baking powder and salt; add gradually to the lukewarm mixture.

    Mix well after each addition.

    Add another � cup flour if needed- this is a soft dough.

    On a well floured board, roll out dough and cut with a doughnut cutter.

    Place doughnuts on waxed paper; cover with a cloth and let rise until double in bulk.

    Fry doughnuts, a few at a time, in melted shortening or oil
    heated to 375F.

    Drain on absorbent paper.

    Shake a few of the fried doughnuts at a time in a bag containing sugar and cinnamon.




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