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Susan's Kitchen - Guest Book

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Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would add your comments and suggestions to this guestbook we are keeping!

Hi Susan! i was born Susan Lord Dillard in Salem Massachusetts. Married and moved to California with a 9 year stay in Oregon where my 3 children were born. I always felt I had a strange last name growing up in New England. My grandfather, Edward Wynde Dillard was born in Auburn Alabama, and after completing an engineering degree headed north. I rarely encounter the Dillard name. What is your bqackground, if I may be so bold to ask?That out of the way, I will now go visit your website as a passionate cook! Sue Dillard Malick
susan lord dillard malick [email protected]
piedmont, CA Usa - Monday, April 12, 2004 at 21:01:39 (PDT)

Susan Dillard