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Viken Family Cookbook

Amma's Kitchen at Viken Vallee Farm or The Hidden Vallee Ranch

These are all recipes our family has enjoyed. Some are very old. Some are originals, most are not. Since I've started this cookbook as a resource for future generations of Vikens and Vallees, in the source field you will find the name of the person in our family who makes the recipe not the originator of the recipe.

May our memories be of Blessing,

Magdalene Viken.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
Bread_Pudding (1 )Tue 4/Dec/2018 19:39:47
Breads_and_Spreads (12 )Wed 9/Jun/2021 12:37:37
Breakie (9 )Mon 20/Aug/2018 13:40:10
Brownies_and_Bars (5 )Thu 29/Nov/2018 16:09:51
Cakes (32 )Thu 10/Jun/2021 08:09:08
Candies_Balls_and_Other_Sweets (9 )Mon 2/Jan/2023 08:31:07
Chowders_Soups_and_Stews (25 )Wed 15/Mar/2023 18:09:04
Cookies (50 )Sun 5/Feb/2023 13:20:00
Dinners_and_Lunches (37 )Thu 2/Dec/2021 03:26:00
Drinks (10 )Thu 2/Dec/2021 03:26:54
Frostings_Icings_and_Fillings (21 )Tue 14/Sep/2021 09:54:52
Gravies_and_Sauces (6 )Tue 14/Sep/2021 09:45:45
It_Starts_With_A_Mix (6 )Wed 22/Aug/2018 23:09:27
Pies (7 )Fri 26/Nov/2021 16:09:16
Quick_Breads_and_Muffins (13 )Wed 9/Jun/2021 12:39:41
Sabbat_Celebrations (37 )Wed 22/Sep/2021 07:41:09
Sides (31 )Tue 14/Sep/2021 09:48:19
Sourdough (4 )Tue 21/Aug/2018 17:32:59
Spice_Blends (1 )Sun 27/Feb/2022 17:31:22
Starters_Snacks_and_Fingerfoo (17 )Tue 14/Sep/2021 09:28:02
Browse ALL Recipes
Total Number of Recipes333

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Magdalene Viken

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