Down home country cookin'

I just love to try and collect recipies. I thought it would be fun to have a web site just for all of them. I am a wife & stay-home-mommy of 2 active young children so it seems like I'm cooking most of the time. I've tried to list recipes that the whole family will love & that are fairly easy to prepare. |
I would like to thank all of my family and friends for their contributions to this site. |
If you have any questions about a recipe or would like for me to put your favorite recipe on this site, please email me. I'm always looking for new things to try! |
I hope you brought your appetite. Not hungry??? Don't worry, you will be!!!Now pour yourself a cup of coffee or a big glass of ice tea and enjoy! |
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Other Places to go:
The SAHM Secret Spot
My children's web site
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